Regional Climate Foundation


Weaving networks of cooperation: the youth climate movement

November 16, 2024 | Saturday
13:45 to
14:45 (Baku time)

Youth climate activism has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years, both in the number of participants and the impact of their actions. However, the movement faces significant challenges that limit its medium- and long-term development, such as a lack of international visibility and sustained financial support. Despite these challenges, there are clear examples of success that offer an invaluable opportunity to strengthen the youth climate movement.

One representative from youth climate movements from each region.

Some suggested panelists to showcase Latin American experience include:

  • REACCIONA: NDC Consultations, Organization of the LCOY
  • Nuestro Futuro: Hackathon for a Just Energy Transition
  • AJUVES: Demands of the Electricity Industry Law (LIE)
  • CLAAC: Clima Sur Project and Regional Cooperation.