
Enabling climate action

The Mexican Climate Initiative (MCI) presents a series of technical inputs from civil society to update and increase the ambition of the NDC 2020. MCI has generated technical information – based on science – and a collaborative process to collect the different visions and inputs of some actors within the wide diversity of civil society, academia and the private sector.

On this site, you can find resources related to the identified measures that are part of the set of actions proposed so that Mexico can face the serious climate emergency that the planet faces.

Net Zero Emissions for Mexico: identifying approaches, measures and co-benefits

Mexico is among the top 15 GHG emitters in the world. In 2019, 63.5 percent of emissions came from the energy sector, 19.1 percent from the agricultural sector, 10 percent from industry and product use, and 7.4 percent from waste. Our country’s emissions show an upward trend, increasing by 1.6 percent each year. If we continue at this rate, in 2050 they will exceed the emissions estimated for 2030 by 40 percent.

This is why Mexico must take urgent measures to reach a peak in its emissions immediately.